Youths dreams first casualty of corruption: PM Modi

TCN Service/New Delhi
“Corruption in the government system hampers democracy and the first casualty are the dreams of the youth as in such circumstances a certain type of ecosystem flourishes killing talent,” Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Monday.
PM Modi made these remarks during inauguration of Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in New Delhi and asked the agency to continue its action against corrupt.
“Corruption promotes nepotism and a dynastic system which erodes the nation’s strength, seriously hampering development.
Corruption is not an ordinary crime, it snatches the rights of the poor, it begets many other crimes, corruption is the biggest obstacle in the path of justice and democracy,” the PM said.
He complimented CBI for earning an impede of multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinarian investigative agency and mentioned its expanded sphere and stated “it was CBI’s chief responsibility is to rid the country of corruption.”
The PM emphasized that India got a legacy of corruption at the time of Independence and lamented the fact that instead of removing it, some people kept nourishing this malady.
He remembered the scene of the scams and the prevailing sense of impunity just a decade ago.
This situation led to the destruction of the system and an atmosphere of policy paralysis brought the development to stand still.
He also emphasized that GeM (Government eMarketplace) Portal has been established to ensure transparency in making purchases in every department of the Central Government.
“Today’s Internet banking and UPI stand in stark contrast to the earlier ‘phone banking’ malaise.
The corrupt would go to an extent of looting the aid sent out to beneficiaries of government schemes. Be it rations, homes, scholarships, pensions or any other government scheme, the the original beneficiary would feel conned every single time.
Even a Prime Minister once said, ‘for every rupee sent out to the poor, only 15 paise reaches them’”, he added.

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