Timely Alerts: UK tests new tech for early warning for terror threats

The Community News/London
The UK government on Friday tested new tech, SIGMA+ for early warning in case of chemical, nuclear and explosive threats in cities and during major events.
The SIGMA+ program was tested by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) in collaboration with US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
“The SIGMA+ programme aims to see if the sensors can detect chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) threats in a city environment.
Vapours and tiny particles are detected that can alert authorities to the presence of materials of concern that are in the sensor library.
Alarm systems for the sensors are being developed that could provide early warning protection for UK cities and major events,” UK government said in a statement.
The statement further reads, “SIGMA+ uses a cloud-based system to host, fuse and visualise sensor data. This system, named DTECT, provides an interface to receive sensor data, store it, and then present sensor locations, outputs and alarms to users on a map-based interface.”
The system was tested in London and its sensors reportedly worked well in the city’s environment.
UK’s collaboration with DAPRA is aiding the government in gaining access to emerging technologies and it can be used to protect major events as games or high value locations.