No Fleecing: Watchdog style training to tenants in UK to hold landlords accountable

The Community News/London
Amid #Make Things Right Campaign in UK, the government on Wednesday started ‘Watchdog’ style training to social housing tenants to hold their landlords accountable.
Seems to be inspired by TV shows as ‘Watchdog’ or ‘Rip Off Britain’, the program will offer tips, advice and filing complaint on abusive behaviour like it is done in the shows.
It will be a part of 4 Million Homes program that be encourage tenants to take up active role on how the property will be managed and advice on how they should be treated.
The program seems to be UK government’s rebalancing act between renters and landlords after #Make Things Right Campaign that paved way for the Social Housing Regulation Bill.
The Social Housing Regulation Bill is currently placed in the Parliament and it will be passed in due course of time.
The bill also includes ‘Awaab’s Law’ that prescribes fixing of hazards like damp and mould within set time frames.
This will in turn create requirements for social housing managers to gain professional degree and ensure residents get better services.
UK Minister for Social Housing Baroness Scott said, “Tenants deserve better and this training programme will help people up and down the country demand a high-quality service from their landlord.
We are driving up standards in social housing through landmark legislation and making sure residents’ voices are heard with digital advertisement campaigns.
The Four Million Homes programme is the latest part of our plan to drive a culture change right at the very heart of the social housing sector.”
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