New ultrasound tech to help in early breast cancer detection

TCN Service/London
The UK’s National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has developed a new ultrasound technique (in research and development phase to diagnose breast cancer and even monitor treatment effects.
The research points out that the women who have significantly denser breast tissue are 6-times more prone to cancer than those with low breast density.
At present, the breast density is estimated via mammogram and MRI scans which relies more on clinical judgement and hence, chances for less detection or errors.
“The NPL is developing innovative new ultrasound technology which provides quantitative measurements of breast tissue composition and has the potential to make a significant impact in breast density assessment.
The technology can also help with breast cancer diagnosis and monitoring the response to treatment,” a UK government official said.
Commenting on the development, Daniel Sarno, a research scientist at the NPL and a member of the NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme, said the new tech is in the research phase.
“We are encouraged by our in-person results and excited for the technology journey from bench top to bedside,” he added.