Indian govt to organise Pension Adalat on 17 May to resolve grievances

The Community News/New Delhi
Indian government will hold a nationwide Pension Adalat on 17 May to resolve grievances of pensioners of various ministries and departments.
A spokesperson of the Indian government said the Pension Adalat will be held in online mode on the directions of the Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare department.
“Pensioners and Family Pensioners of this Ministry may attend the Pension Adalat for settlement of pension related grievances, if any.
Pensioners and Family Pensioners may send their pension related grievances in advance via email on id: or
For more details, they may contact on telephone nos 011-23034746/23034755,” he added.
The spokesperson said for complaints, one must mention name, designation (from which they retired), PPO No, Bank details, Retirement date along with address and phone number.
They must also attach copies of PPO & Corrigendum PPOs (if available)/Updated Bank Passbook (last two pages) should be attached along with the application, he added.