India Security Press Junior Technician recruitment: Apply online till 31 July

India Security Press has invited online applications for Junior Technician recruitment in various trades for vacant posts.
India Security Press Junior Technician recruitment is being held for Technical, Electronic, CSD, Store, Studio, Control, Turner, Welder, Fitter, Electrical and Machinist Grinder trades.
The maxim age criteria for applying for India Security Press Junior Technician recruitment is 25 years as on 31 July 2023.
The age criteria for filling Junior Technician posts in India Security Press is subject to reservation criteria as per government norms.
The candidates must have completed a full-time ITI course for certified NCVT or SCVT in the concerned trades as mentioned above to be eligible for the recruitment.
The candidates for India Security Press Junior Technician recruitment will be hired in the pay scale of Rs 18,780 to Rs 67,390.
For additional details or any other info candidates are advised to visit the India Security Press website
The last for applying for these posts is 31 July and the candidates are required to fill out the online application form available on the Indian Security Press website.