India, ADB to help in boosting agri-horticulture sector in Himachal

New Delhi
The Indian government has entered into an agreement with Asian Development Bank (ADB) to seek a $130 million loan to boost productivity in agri-horticulture sectors in Himachal Pradesh.
The funding will aid the HP Subtropical Horticulture, Irrigation, and Value Addition Project in promoting horticulture crops in sub-tropical regions of the state.
Indian Economic Affairs Department additional secretary Rajat Kumar Mishra said, “Improving subtropical horticulture in the southern areas of HP and crop diversification to improve the economy is a key objective of the agreement.”
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ADB Country Director Takeo Konishi said, “The project builds upon a pilot financed by ADB’s project readiness facility which demonstrated the production and irrigation access under the HP SHIVA project.”
The project started during the previous BJP regime aims to increase income and resilience to climate change in Bilaspur, Hamirpur, Kangra, Mandi, Sirmour, Solan, and Una districts.
Under it, 15,000 households that had stopped or reduced farming activities owing to damage by wild animals and lack of irrigation facilities will be included.
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It will also aid in ecosystem creation by providing access to marketing facilities to farmers who will engage in subtropical fruit production.