Holding Anonymous Accountable: Jail for trolls for instigating people for self harm in Britain

Holding Anonymous Accountable: Jail for trolls for instigating people for self harm in Britain

The Community News/London

Hiding behind the veil of anonymity and instigating vulnerable especially children will soon attract jail term in Britain as the government’s new Online Safety Law proposes five years jail term to such trolls.

The jail term to trolls who tries to remain anonymous on internet, will be irrespective of the fact that the vulnerable people caused self harm (suicide) or not.

The mere advise or instigation to cause self harm will become a crime from Thursday as the government announced new amendments in Online Safety Law.

Now the cops or law enforcement agencies have only to prove in the court that the insinuations made by so called anonymous trolls intended at self harm.

The new law will also cover those where the trolls doesn’t know the victim or encourage them to starve or avoid medication.

UK Mental Foundation noted that vulnerable especially women in age group of 16-24 have thought of causing self harm and such cases are increasing since 1993.

Various research also indicates that adults in Britain are concerned about online content that promotes or advocates self harm.

Lord Chancellor and UK Justice Secretary Alex Chalk said the British society doesn’t have any place for those who instigate or sets out deliberately to advise vulnerable to injure themselves or commit suicide.

“Our new law will send a clear message to these cowardly trolls that their behaviour is not acceptable.

Building on the existing measures in the Online Safety Bill our changes will make it easier to convict these vile individuals and make the internet a better and safer place for everyone,” he added.

Sanjeev Kumar

Senior Journalist and former Correspondent with Thomson Reuters at Punjab, The Statesman at Delhi and Shimla; and Mid-Day, Delhi

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