Healing Tech: Brain-Computer Interface help paralyzed man walk again by using thoughts

Lausanne, Switzerland
Scientifically it’s tough to walk again after spinal cord injuries but Swiss and French scientists have developed Brain-Computer Interface to help a paralyzed man walk again by using thoughts.
A team of Neurosurgeons and Neuroscientists from Switzerland, France, US, UK and Netherlands have made the discovery by reestablishing the brain-spine connection with a wireless digital bridge.
40-year-old Gert-Jan was left paralyzed after a bicycle accident and he was told by doctors that he couldn’t walk again.
But the scientists’ wireless digital interface has helped him in regaining natural control and movement of his legs, using thoughts to stand, walk and even climb stairs again.
“We have created a wireless interface between the brain and the spinal cord using brain-computer interface (BCI) technology that transforms thought into action,” Neuroscience professor Gregoire Courtine at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Voudois said.
Gert-Jan says that he is now able to share a beer while standing at a bar and this marks a significant change in his life.
The scientists created a digital bridge in Gert-Jan’s body with two electronic implants; one in the brain, responsible for controlling leg movements, and the other on the spine which generates walking actions.
The electronic implants help in decoding brain signals when the patient thinks about walking and this leads to the legs starting to imitate walking movements.
Though the tech has only been used on one patient, the scientists are hopeful that it could be used to restore arm, and hand functions, and other clinical issues as paralysis due to stroke.
Onward Medical company which too participated in the research will now try to develop a commercial version of the digital bridge to make it available worldwide to help needy persons.

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