Fueling Green Dreams: India’s ethanol blended diesel trial show reduction in carbon emissions

New Delhi
Moving towards achieving targets of the use of ethanol blended fuels, India on Friday claimed that its trials showed a reduction in carbon emissions as well THC.
The novel trial for using ethanol-blended diesel was successfully carried out by Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd (HPCL) under roadmap for ethanol blending in India by 2025.
The roadmap designed by the Indian government aims to ensure greener and more sustainable future and achieve target of 20 percent ethanol blending with wide rollout by 2025.
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“Initial trials on vehicles powered by ethanol blended diesel, E27 have shown desired results with a reduction in carbon dioxide and THC emissions as compared to regular fuel.
HPCL will now test E27 fuel of cars with a target mileage of 20,000 km in initial phase,” an Indian government official said.
The ethanol-blended was launched by HPCL in February this year and it reportedly has resuled in a reduction of 3,000 metric tonnes of greenhouse gases emissions till date.
The officials estimate that the fuel will help in the reduction of 200 lakh metric tonnes of greenhouse gases emissions by 2025.
India is now aiming for 27 percent blending of ethanol in gasoline by 2025 to go beyond the present 20 percent blended fuel.
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If India achieves the goal of 27 percent blended fuel then it will be the second country after Brazil to successfully achieve the target.

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