DRDO invites applications for Young Scientist Lab for Quantum Computing

New Delhi
Defence Research and Development Organisation is inviting online applications for young Scientist Lab to work in the field of Quantum Computing at DIAT, Pune.
DRDO will provide a stipend of Rs 31,000 after selection as a Junior Research Fellowship for research in the field of quantum technologies including computing, sensing, communication etc.
The candidates who have completed B.E. or B.Tech or M.E. or M.tech in engineering and the upper age limit is 268 years will relaxation as per reservation norms.
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The selected candidates will be hired to research on Quantum Computing at DYSL-QT at Pune in Maharashtra with a stipend of Rs 31,000 pm with HRA as applicable.
Interested candidates can also obtain the application form and other details through email: director@dyai-qt.drdo.in.
The duly filed application and self-attested copies of educational qualifications and experience should be sent to DYSL-QT.
The address is ‘The Director, DRDO Young Scientist Laboratory-Quantum Technology Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Hall No.1, Ground Floor, Vigyan Upakendra DIAT Campus, Girinagar, Pune-411025, Maharashtra by 30 July.
The envelope containing the application should be superscribed ‘Application for JRF’ at the top left corner.
The position of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) is for a period of two years which can be extendable for further two years as per rules in force.