Caught on Camera: Bear enjoys in California home swimming pool, Burbank PD issue advisory

Caught on Camera: Bear enjoys in California home swimming pool, Burbank PD issue advisory
New York
As bear invasions are becoming common in some US states, a bear was caught on camera cooling off in a swimming pool in a Burbank home in California.
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The incident led to the residents informing the cops who safely escorted out the unwanted guest and also issued an advisory to avoid home invasion by bears.
Burbank Police Department on Friday shared a video of the incident on Twitter and said, “This #bear is beating the heat in Burbank.
Officers are on-scene after the bear was spotted in a hillside neighborhood before taking a dip to cool off.”
Watch video:
The Burbank cops have issued an advisory after the incident and have asked the residents to never approach or feed bears.
“Feeding bears teaches them to approach homes and people looking for more. Bears will defend themselves if a person gets too close, so keep your distance.
Clean grills after each use and make sure that all grease, fat, and food particles are removed. Store clean grills and smokers in a secure area that keeps bears out,” Burbank PD said in the advisory.
The cops also advised to secure food, garbage and avoid littering as food odors attract bears and not following tips will reward them with easily available food.
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In addition, it has been advised to keep dogs leashed if out for a walk and not allow them to bark or chase bears as it will frighten the bear, resulting in a bad outcome.
The cops further asked residents to keep birdfeeders at bay or remove them when bears are active and also feed pets indoors.
Carrying a bear spray also proves effective and deters a bear that threatens you.