Berlin women can now go topless in pools in gender neutral move of German capital

TCN Service/Berlin
Women in the capital city of Germany can now go topless in swimming pools or water parks without the fear of getting expelled from premises.
The new guidelines from Berliner Bäderbetriebe (BBB), the municipal pool operator, came after a woman’s expulsion from a waterpark in the summer of 2021.
The topless woman was evicted from a waterpark which later made headlines and the victim filed for compensation, citing gender discrimination.
The Senate Department for Justice, Diversity and Anti-Discriminatin upheld her appeal and stated that topless swimming is allowed to all irrespective of the gender. Though the woman’s request for compensation was denied
“According to the Senate Department, this clarification of the house rules is a response to a successful complaint to the ombudsman’s office responsible for compliance with the anti-discrimination law of the State of Berlin (LADG).
The visitors’ swimwear must completely cover the primary sexual organs for all genders. Female breasts are considered secondary sexual organs. Now, the Bäderbetriebe also clarified their swimwear rules.
It is true that the house and bathing rules have not included any gender-specific regulations regarding bathing attire for years,” a spokeswoman said, adding they will ensure equal rights for all Berliners.

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